The Tall Ships Races Sunderland 2018 | 11 - 14 July 2018
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This year, Sunderland has been chosen to be a host city of the Tall Ships Race 2018.
Over 50 largest and tallest ships from 16 different countries from all around the world will stay at the port of Sunderland for 4 days (11-14th July 2018) while event organisers are offering great time and attractions for all of it visitors during the festival.
City has made a huge preparations for this festival, as they will be welcoming 1.5 m visitors. There are 300 volunteers taking part in it and over 500 workers active on the side.
Ships you must see: STS Maybe, STS Lord Nelson, STS Atyla and Black Diamond of Durham and Alexander von Humboldt ll, MIR or Morgenster.
The Tall Ship Race began in 1956 as a race of the 20 world’s largest remaining ships and they sail from Torbay to Lisbon. The vessels will sail off from Sunderland to Denmark, Norway ending their race in Holland.
The last time this high publicity event has been hosted in 2010 in Hartlepool.